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The Project

The Northwest Tea Festival offers a community exposition hosted in Seattle to teach people about teas from around the world. They want to foster enjoyable learning through the celebration of teas. Their site offers a way for the community to learn about the festival, sign up to attend, volunteer, and even sponsor the exposition.

Site's Current Design

The Festival is supposed to foster excitement about teas however the website is bland and lacks a color scheme. There is no easily readable hierarchy of the text and information and the organization of tabs is confusing and unconsolidated while images of the festival, or even the tea itself is sparse.

NWTF Tablet Mockup.png
NWTF Desk Mockup.png

Strategy Statement

The goal is to create a warm, welcoming website that is community oriented and family friendly, while bringing an aesthetic and enticing perspective to Tea. The current problems with the website as it is are that there is too much information with no typographic hierarchy. The website has little to no cohesive aesthetic and no appealing brand style. The website is out- dated and the typography and color scheme is somewhat juvenile. While it maintains the family friendly community vibe that the festival aims for, it fails to feature what the festival is about, which is tea. The navigation is also a little confusing and difficult to navigate.

The goal is to update the website’s organization, give it a clear typography and cohesive aesthetic, as well as emphasizing the product that is bringing everyone together, which is tea in all its forms. I intend feature the rest of the website through the lens of tea’s aesthetic, imagery and color scheme.

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User Goals

Website Goals

Brand Goals

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  1. Learn about the NW Tea Festival

- When

- Where

  1. Sign up to attend the Festival

  2. Discover education opportunities

  1. Allow people to sign up for the festival

  2. Show off the Festival’s previous merits and accomplishments

  3. Convey the new year’s schedule events

  1. Convince people to attend the
    tea festival

  2. Highlight and promote festival speakers

  3. Educate the public about tea


Organization Values

Organization Personality

What do customers first want to see?

Share a passion for tea with the public
Educate people about tea
Provide an experience for tea lovers
Maintain and grow a community of
tea lovers






  1. Info on event and goals

  2. Info on the event: when, where, how much is it? How do I donate and attend?

  3. Who is speaking, what will I find there?

  4. What teas can I explore?

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