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Teagan Wood

Lovely to meet you! My name is Teagan, and I'm a recent graduate from Western Washington university, walking away with a double major BA in Graphic Design and Creative Writing. I’m entering the design industry with a dream of going into publishing and a craving to see the world. 

Things to know about me: I know a lot of weird fun facts, I own almost thirty different kinds of tea (and drink them all regularly) and I write post apocalyptic short stories. I drink all of that tea because I sleep like a designer, which is to say, whenever I remember to. 

I believe in delivering honest, timeless design that is emotional, nuanced, and people driven. To be a creative in writing and design is to be driven by clear, beautiful, and occasionally impassioned communication — be it visually or in the written word. My business is in making people feel moved. 

I always love hearing from people, so if you want to work with me, chat it up, or just have an interesting story to share, please feel free to reach out! 

Thanks for submitting!

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